Les Tipaniers -
Bungalows Our bungalow Inside the bungalow The hotel & beach from the dock Hotel restaurant on the beach The small islands on the coral reefs "Motu" Sunrise from the beach
Around Moorea -
Our friendly neighborhood store & baguettes! Cooks Bay 1 Cooks Bay 2 - with Chris and Becky Opunohu Bay (the one Cook actually used)! Lookout (Becky & Chris) Tahiti from Moorea Scooters More Scooters Oops - scooter crash! (everyone was OK)
Tahiti -
Flight from Moorea to Tahiti - puddle jumper Beachcomber 1 Beachcomber 2 Beachcomber grounds Beachcomber rooms 1 Beachcomber rooms 2 Moorea from Tahiti 1 Moorea from Tahiti 2 Point Venus Waterfall - and Becky! Tahitian trees 1 Tahitian trees 2 Scuba 1 Scuba 2